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Join us for our 2023 Park(ING) Day Celebration.

September 15, 2023 from 12p -6p. At P110 - 400 S. Rampart St, New Orleans, LA.

Park(ing) Day is an annual event that encourages urban citizens worldwide to transform metered parking spots into temporary public spaces, known as "parklets." Conceived in 2005 by Rebar, a San Francisco-based art studio, the initiative aims to promote the importance of green spaces, livable streets, and greater civic engagement. Celebrated on the third Friday of September, it invites individuals, organizations, and communities to repurpose parking spots with creative installations, promoting social interaction and public discourse. This global event fosters a unique opportunity for citizens to envision a more sustainable and pedestrian-friendly urban environment, ultimately sparking conversations about the thoughtful allocation of public spaces and the possibilities for their improvement in our rapidly urbanizing world.

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